Blue Lake Sports Park Master Plan
Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: The Blue Lake Sports Park Master Plan was endorsed on 18 July 2023.
The Blue Lake Sports Park (BLSP) is a significant multi-purpose site for sport and recreation in Mount Gambier, offering large open-plan green space which enables multiple simultaneous sporting activities to occur in a single location.
As home to regional level sporting facilities such as diamond sports, hockey and cycling; and local level facilities for football, netball, tennis and cricket, the BLSP plays a key role in the delivery of quality spaces for a range of sporting activity. In addition, many other activities such as soccer, equestrian events, small schools’ sports carnivals, dog socialisation also occur at this space.
The development of a master plan for the BLSP, was one of several master plans recommended in the Mount Gambier Sport, Recreation and Open Space Strategy (SROSS), to provide holistic and well considered plans that will guide the future of sport and recreation facilities across Mount Gambier.
The BLSP master plan will provide a ‘road map’ for any future development at the site that is informed by:
- Mount Gambier Sport Recreation and Open Spaces Strategy (SROSS),
- identified current/future participation trends,
- meeting compliance, sporting standards and known best practice,
- the aspirations and requirements of existing tenants and key users, and
- community feedback from previous consultations including the recent SROSS engagement.
The aim of the BLSP master plan is to improve connections within the reserve and beyond, future-proof the facilities on the site, further enhance the existing open reserve character with environmentally sustainable outcomes, and develop the BLSP as a destination that the wider community can engage with. The master plan presents two (2) options for consideration, providing separate aspirations for the site, with both options designed to support a staged delivery of any future development.
It is important to note that this master plan is not a development commitment by Council or indicate priority over other current or future strategic initiatives and/or developments. The master plan provides a clear direction for the future development of the BLSP with consideration to the broader provision of sport and recreation facilities for our city.
Council is committed to listening and responding to the feedback from our community, and we endeavor to make it easy and convenient for your views to be shared.
Council invites you to:
1. Take a look at the Draft BLSP Master Plan and learn more about the two (2) options.
2. Provide your feedback through any of the following options:
- Complete your submission online; or
- Ask a question using the Q&A tool (requires user to be signed in)
- Email your feedback to (External link)
To be considered, all feedback must be received by Council by 5pm Friday 24 June 2022.