Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre
UPDATE: Facility opening December 2022
For over 30 years there have been community discussions about the need for an indoor aquatic centre and more recent discussions have incorporated other indoor sporting facilities into the conversation.
The Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre is a multi-purpose facility designed to be a community space, with facilities and activities for all ages and abilities including children, families, youth, community groups, recreational and organised sports and those with special needs.
This development will provide substantial year round indoor facilities, addressing many community needs both now and for future generations to come.
The Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre will increase the ability for Mount Gambier to host major sporting competitions, conferences, events and performances providing significant social and economic benefits.
Council has committed to work alongside our community to ensure that this development fulfils the needs and aspirations of all potential users.
Find out more about this exciting project by:
- following the progress through the project updates
- watching the Community Videos
- reading through the FAQ's
- viewing the detailed design
- asking us a question using the Q&A section
UPDATE: Facility opening December 2022
For over 30 years there have been community discussions about the need for an indoor aquatic centre and more recent discussions have incorporated other indoor sporting facilities into the conversation.
The Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre is a multi-purpose facility designed to be a community space, with facilities and activities for all ages and abilities including children, families, youth, community groups, recreational and organised sports and those with special needs.
This development will provide substantial year round indoor facilities, addressing many community needs both now and for future generations to come.
The Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre will increase the ability for Mount Gambier to host major sporting competitions, conferences, events and performances providing significant social and economic benefits.
Council has committed to work alongside our community to ensure that this development fulfils the needs and aspirations of all potential users.
Find out more about this exciting project by:
- following the progress through the project updates
- watching the Community Videos
- reading through the FAQ's
- viewing the detailed design
- asking us a question using the Q&A section
State Government announces funds for Hub
Share State Government announces funds for Hub on Facebook Share State Government announces funds for Hub on Twitter Share State Government announces funds for Hub on Linkedin Email State Government announces funds for Hub linkThe State Government has announced a funding commitment of $10 million from the State Regional Growth Fund to assist with the Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub project.
The announcement follows a recent meeting between South Australian Premier Steven Marshall, City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM and CEO Mark McShane and the provision of a project business case to the State Government.
“This is extremely positive news with the State Government and Federal Government funding to our community now totalling $25 million for this project. This is a huge vote of support for our City and the region.” said City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM“Our sincere appreciation goes to Premier Steven Marshall, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone and Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government Stephan Knoll.”“Achieving success to this level has been an outstanding outcome and I acknowledge everyone involved in this project. I especially acknowledge Member for Barker Mr Tony Pasin MP for his support in gaining Federal Government funds and Member for Mount Gambier Mr Troy Bell and Member for MacKillop Mr Nick McBride who have reinforced the benefits of the project at State level.”The $25 million Federal and State Government grant commitments to the project will ensure the $39.1 million Community and Recreation Hub proposal will proceed. However, Council will now consider an additional contribution of $5 million towards the project.“We are in a strong financial position with very low loan borrowings and adequate cash savings hence we are able to consider contributing more to the project to ensure it is delivered without increasing rates beyond their current level and while still providing effective services to the community,” Mayor Martin said.
Community votes in favour of Hub
Share Community votes in favour of Hub on Facebook Share Community votes in favour of Hub on Twitter Share Community votes in favour of Hub on Linkedin Email Community votes in favour of Hub linkCity of Mount Gambier electors have voted in favour of the Community and Recreation Hub proposal, the largest proposed infrastructure project in Council’s history.
Of a total 8,722 elector survey returns, 71.6 per cent voted ‘yes’ in support of the project, and 28.4 per cent voted ‘no’. The total number of 'yes' votes was 6,230 while 2,466 electors voted 'no' with a 0.13 per cent invalid response rate.
"Our community has spoken and have clearly indicated that they want this project to go ahead" said City of Mount Gambier Mayor Lynette Martin OAM.”“We thank all electors who took the time to lodge a vote and have a say, a 45 per cent return rate is an excellent result for a survey of this type and this compares with the November 2018 Council election that saw an elector return rate of 43 per cent.”Independent market research company Market Solutions distributed the elector survey to 19,332 residents via post in late November to gauge community support for or against the proposed facility. The survey closed at last post on Friday 21 December 2018.“The Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub Survey response rate of 45 per cent is considered a high response rate for a postal survey and the Council can be confident these results reflect the views of the broader community on this topic,” a spokesperson for market research company Market Solutions said.The Federal Government earmarked $15million for the Community and Recreation Hub from the Regional Growth Fund, which was conditional on majority community support, as indicated by the elector survey.
Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey
Share Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey on Facebook Share Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey on Twitter Share Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey on Linkedin Email Return Rate for Community anns Recreation Hub Survey linkAs at Tuesday 18 December 2018, a total of 6,207 Community and Recreation Hub postal survey responses have been received by independent survey provider Market Solutions. This represents a response rate of 32.11 per cent of 19,332 electors in the City of Mount Gambier.
Mayor Lynette Martin encouraged those who have not already voted to make it a priority to have their say by the end of the working week.
“If your letter is still sitting on your kitchen bench, I urge you to open the blue envelope, read through the enclosed information, tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in response to the survey question, put the survey in the reply paid envelope and post it back by this Friday 21 December 2018,” Mayor Martin said.
All surveys are barcoded for automated processing. Voting slips that have been tampered with will be considered invalid.
Do you have any questions before you submit your survey?
Share Do you have any questions before you submit your survey? on Facebook Share Do you have any questions before you submit your survey? on Twitter Share Do you have any questions before you submit your survey? on Linkedin Email Do you have any questions before you submit your survey? linkThe community survey will arrive in the post this week.If you have any questions before you submit your survey, come and talk to Council’s project team.This week you can find us at:11.00am - 3.00pm Monday 3 December to Friday 7 DecemberCommerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop) -
Do you have any questions? | Pop Up Information Session 26 November - 2 December
Share Do you have any questions? | Pop Up Information Session 26 November - 2 December on Facebook Share Do you have any questions? | Pop Up Information Session 26 November - 2 December on Twitter Share Do you have any questions? | Pop Up Information Session 26 November - 2 December on Linkedin Email Do you have any questions? | Pop Up Information Session 26 November - 2 December linkThe community survey will arrive in the post in December.Find out more before you have your say.Council’s project team will be out and about at a variety of locations in the coming weeks. Come along and talk to us.This week you can find us at:Monday 26 November12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)5.30pm – 7.00pm IcehouseTuesday 27 November12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm - 5.30pm Library5.30pm - 7.30pm IcehouseWednesday 28 November11.00am – 2.00pm Library12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm – 7.00pm Aquatic CentreThursday 29 November12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm – 6.00pm Aquatic CentreFriday 30 November11.00am – 3.00pm Bunnings12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)Saturday 1 December9.00am – 12.00pm Mount Gambier Farmers Market1.0pm - 5.00pm BunningsSunday 2 December7.00am Cave Gardens12.00pm - 4.00pm Bunnings
Come and talk to the project team | Pop Up Information Sessions 19-25 November
Share Come and talk to the project team | Pop Up Information Sessions 19-25 November on Facebook Share Come and talk to the project team | Pop Up Information Sessions 19-25 November on Twitter Share Come and talk to the project team | Pop Up Information Sessions 19-25 November on Linkedin Email Come and talk to the project team | Pop Up Information Sessions 19-25 November linkThe community survey will arrive in the post in December.Find out more before you have your say.Council’s project team will be out and about at a variety of locations in the coming weeks. Come along and talk to us.This week you can find us at:Monday 19 November9.30am – 12.30pm Mount Gambier Marketplace12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)1.30pm – 4.30pm LibraryTuesday 20 November11.00am – 2.30pm Mount Gambier Marketplace12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)Wednesday 21 November8.30am – 10.30am Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)11.00am – 2.30pm Mount Gambier Marketplace12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm – 5.30pm Library7.00pm City HallThursday 22 November10.00am – 11.30am Library12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm – 7.30pm Mount Gambier MarketplaceFriday 23 November10.00am – 12.00pm Library12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)2.30pm – 5.30pm Mount Gambier MarketplaceSaturday 24 November10.00am –2.00pm Mount Gambier Truck ShowSunday 25 November10.00am – 3.00pm Woolworths Commercial Street East
Would you like to find out more? Do you have any questions?
Share Would you like to find out more? Do you have any questions? on Facebook Share Would you like to find out more? Do you have any questions? on Twitter Share Would you like to find out more? Do you have any questions? on Linkedin Email Would you like to find out more? Do you have any questions? linkThe community survey will arrive in the post in December.Find out more before you have your say.Council’s project team will be out and about at a variety of locations in the coming weeks. Come along and talk to us.This week you can find us at:Sunday 11 November10.00am – 2.00pm | Mount Gambier Library MarketMonday 12 November12.00pm – 2.00pm | Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)2.30pm – 5.30pm | Mount Gambier CentralTuesday 13 November9.00am – 11.00am | Library11.30am – 3.00pm | Mount Gambier Central12.00pm – 2.00pm Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)Wednesday 14 November11.00am – 3.00pm | Mount Gambier Central12.00pm – 2.00pm | Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)Thursday 15 November10.00am – 11.30am | Library12.00pm – 2.00pm | Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)3.00pm – 7.30pm | Mount Gambier CentralFriday 16 November12.00pm – 2.00pm | Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)2.00pm – 5.30pm | Mount Gambier CentralSaturday 17 November9.30am – 12.30pm | Main Corner10.00am – 12.00pm | Commerce Place, Commercial Street West (Old Bupa shop)12.30pm onwards | Party in the ParkSunday 18 November10.00am – 3.00pm | ColesIf you’d like us to visit your group or organisation contact us at 8721 2555 or city@mountgambier.sa.gov.au.
For more information read through this page. If you still have questions contact Council on 8721 2555 or submit a question in the Q&A section.
$15million Federal Funding Announcement
Share $15million Federal Funding Announcement on Facebook Share $15million Federal Funding Announcement on Twitter Share $15million Federal Funding Announcement on Linkedin Email $15million Federal Funding Announcement linkThe City of Mount Gambier’s Expression of Interest (EOI) for funds as part of the Federal Regional Growth Fund (RGF) to build the proposed Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub has progressed to stage two.Council is excited to learn that $15million has been earmarked for the project, following an announcement by Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin at the Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce Gala Awards Night held at the Barn Palais this evening.“$15million is by far the largest grant this community has ever received. Council would like to acknowledge the work of Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin for supporting Council’s EOI for funds to help establish the hub,” City of Mount Gambier CEO Mark McShane said."Council feels fortunate that its EOI was able to stand out in a very competitive field. Hundreds of applications submitted to the fund from regional cities and towns all over Australia are also vying for funds to improve their communities and boost their economy."Council considers the announcement a vote of confidence in the project and Council’s work with the community and external specialists to develop intermediate designs and conduct financial analysis and cost estimates to satisfy the criteria for a full business case submission.“The proposed facility promises to be the largest single infrastructure project in the city’s history with the intermediate architectural designs, financial modelling and costings released this week.”“Council has always maintained that it is committed to the development of a funding proposal that is ‘shovel ready’. We have worked hard to do the background work to progress this during the past six months. Now that documentation is ready, we will seek community endorsement to move the project forward through the soon to be conducted survey.”In addition to securing the Federal grant, Council will continue to lobby the State Government with support from Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell for funds to progress the project.Market research company Market Solutions has been appointed to conduct a postal survey of more than 19,000 electors within the city to gauge community support for the project to determine if it will proceed. The survey will include a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question and will be distributed in late November 2018, closing on 21 December 2018.“Mr Pasin’s funding announcement, leading into the elector survey, provides the community with confidence about the project proceeding.”“A community engagement program to inform the public about the proposed facility is scheduled to commence after the Council election. We look forward to engaging with the community about the proposed project to ensure electors are fully informed about the project before voting.”Voting slips will be mechanically processed and Council expects to receive the results by mid-January 2019. -
Community and Recreation Hub planning progresses
Share Community and Recreation Hub planning progresses on Facebook Share Community and Recreation Hub planning progresses on Twitter Share Community and Recreation Hub planning progresses on Linkedin Email Community and Recreation Hub planning progresses linkFollowing months of work with the community and external specialists, the intermediate designs and draft financial modelling for the proposed Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub have been completed. Based on the capital cost of $39,116 million, financials, operating models and grant income, the City of Mount Gambier does not foresee the need for rate increases specific to the operation of the facility.
Intermediate design – What will the Mount Gambier Community and Recreation Hub look like?
Council and the Community Reference Group (CRG) comprised of individuals representing sporting, recreation and stakeholder groups, worked with architects Design Inc Co-op to develop intermediate designs for the Community Recreation Hub.
“Proactive engagement with a range of community groups and service clubs and the CRG has provided valuable community input into the possible uses of the facility and the overall design and functionality,” City of Mount Gambier CEO Mark McShane said.
“As a result, Council feels certain that the proposed facility will be a major focal point for recreation, community activities, functions and sport within the city.”
Core design features and functional elements of the Community and Recreation Hub:
• Six regulation size, multi-purpose courts for ball sports such as netball, basketball, indoor soccer, volleyball. Courts can also be used for badminton, carpet bowls and a range of other recreation and fitness purposes.
• The courts can also be used for other purposes such as a venue for large conferences/events/performances accommodating more than 1000 people, including breakout areas and smaller conference/meeting rooms. Versatile space with a stage for live performances, retractable seating, efficient acoustics, projection and IT facilities.
• Aquatics including a learn to swim pool, children’s water splash/play area, 25 metre pool and a warm water pool. All facilities will be to regulation size with disability access.
• Youth program area, identified by Council’s youth plan.
• Amenities including a crèche, café, and office space for sporting groups and allied health, disability access and storage areas.
• Gym and fitness spaces located on the first floor along with community and conference rooms with associated amenities. Seating on the first floor, overlooking the six multi-purpose courts.
• The current 50 metre pool (and grass surrounds) will be retained along with its heating and mechanical services for summer use, with easy access to the proposed facility.
• The exterior features include increased car parking, undercover drop off areas and paved and landscaped entrance.
“As part of the capital costs totaling $39,116million, Council will also carry out a range of work within existing capital infrastructure budgets during the construction period of about two years. This work is estimated to cost approximately $1.4million and would include site preparation, managing utility connections, landscaping, paving, car park surfacing, street furniture and landscaping.”
The balance of $37,725 million represents the building cost estimate provided by cost estimator Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) and includes contingency, furniture fittings and equipment, professional fees and escalation.
“The intermediate designs will form part of the submission should the project proceed from the Expression of Interest (EOI) to a full Federal grant application. If the project is funded, further engagement will occur with the CRG, other stakeholders, the community and Council to further refine the concepts and features.”
Capital costs – Government funding required
Since April 2018, Council has worked towards developing concept plans for the proposed community facility and conducted financial analysis and cost estimates to support a full business case submission for $20million under the Federal Government Regional Growth Fund (RGF). Council’s EOI is still being considered by the Federal Government.
Council will continue to lobby the State Government to contribute at least $10million as a vital portion of funding for the construction of the hub. Council will also provide up to $10million, or approximately 25 per cent of the project cost to support the development of the project.
“Securing up to $30million in funding is challenging, requiring support and collaboration between the three tiers of government. Council sincerely thanks Member for Barker Tony Pasin for his considerable ongoing support for the Regional Growth Fund application and Member for Mount Gambier Troy Bell at the State Government level,” Mr McShane said.
Operational costs – Ongoing costs if the Community and Recreation Hub is built
Financial analyst BRM Holdich was engaged to undertake detailed financial analysis of the design, operational, financial and management aspects of the proposed community facility and model an operational budget. This work included the review of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), financing options and rating projections.
“Within the projections of the proposed operating model, based on receiving $30million in funds from the Federal and State Government, Council does not foresee that rate rises will be required to specifically fund the operation of the proposed facility.”
“Accounting for income and expenses, Council will need to budget approximately $1.4million annually to operate the facility.”
“The significant lead time to deliver the project by late 2021, enables Council to build its financial position and budget to be able to fund both council’s capital contributions and annual operating costs.”
Community survey – When will you have your say?
Market research company Market Solutions has been appointed to conduct a survey of more than 19,000 electors within the city to gauge community support for or against the proposed facility.
“Market Solutions will distribute a personally addressed mail survey which will include a double sided A4 fact sheet on the proposed facility.”
“The envelope will contain a unique bar coded voting slip detailing one question requiring a yes/no response to be inserted into a reply paid envelope and returned.”
The survey will be distributed in late November 2018 and will be open for two and a half weeks, closing on 21 December 2018.
“A community engagement program to inform the public about the proposed facility is scheduled to commence after the Council election. We look forward to engaging with the community about the proposed project to ensure electors are fully informed about the project before voting.”
Voting slips will be mechanically processed and Council expects to receive the results by mid-January 2019.
CRG and architects revise rec centre plans
Share CRG and architects revise rec centre plans on Facebook Share CRG and architects revise rec centre plans on Twitter Share CRG and architects revise rec centre plans on Linkedin Email CRG and architects revise rec centre plans linkThe Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre Committee and the Community Reference Group (CRG) met with architects at the Civic Centre last night to discuss intermediate designs for the project funding proposal.DesignInc Adelaide and architectural partner CO-OP Studio Melbourne presented amended designs for the facility following CRG input and feedback from community engagement sessions in recent weeks.“To make it a true community facility there has been a lot of feedback and a desire for function spaces within this facility as an adaptable space for all generations,” DesignInc Adelaide Managing Director Richard Stafford said.“This is the first cut of plans, they are going to change and improve. We think for this facility to be for everyone it has to have a lot of flexibility.”The architects believe alternative options will be required for a section of the proposed court area if it is to be used as a performance/multi-purpose space.“The acoustics you need for a sporting facility, both reverberation time and the break out noise from that facility are completely different for a performance and multipurpose space.”We’re doing a lot of work around the suitability of a surface that you can use as a show court and the suitability of that surface being used for performances, trade shows and community type functions."While the basic format of the proposed plans remains unchanged, the architects have focused on connectivity between spaces and providing family change areas throughout the facility.
“Change rooms will have a divider in them, so they could provide four spaces or two, depending on the size of the event, or teams. Everything is about getting as much flexibility as possible into the way it has been set up,” Mr Stafford said.
“Looking at the pool format there’s a bit of separation between the learn to swim area and splash pad, with the warm water pool allowing for diversity of all types and meeting the need for clubs and swimming competitions.”
Thought has gone into back of house servicing into the pool plant, storage, multipurpose areas, car parking and drop off points.
“There are multipurpose spaces upstairs and downstairs that could be hired for pool parties, used as a marshalling area, or used for pilates or aerobics, or even allied health spaces.”
The architects will incorporate the latest feedback into the design this week and present 3D plans to the Regional Sport and Recreation Centre Committee and CRG on Monday 3 September 2018.
“In addition to work with the CRG and architects, Council has appointed cost estimators Rider Levett Bucknall to work closely with the architects to ensure costings for the proposed facility are accurate,” said City of Mount Gambier Mayor Andrew Lee.
As part of an extensive engagement process to identify the level of support or otherwise for the facility, a community survey will be conducted in late November, early December with results known in late January.
Take a look at the information available on this page and provide your feedback via the "Have Your Say" forum, ask a question in the Q&A section or directly contact the team, listed in the "Who's listening" section on the right.
Construction Time-lapse Video
Click here to play video Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Construction Time-lapse November 2020 to September 2022 The progress of construction of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre in Mount Gambier from commencement of construction to September 2022.
Click here to play video Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Construction Time-lapse September 2022 The progress of construction of the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre in Mount Gambier during September 2022.
- When will the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre be open?
- How can I book swimming lessons at Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre?
- What will the opening hours of the facility be?
- Where can I find out about employment opportunities at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre?
- How can I book an event at the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre?
- Why does Mount Gambier need a facility like the Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre?
Initial Community Forum
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Council endorsed the pursuit of project funding
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Expression of Interest submitted for Federal Government funding
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Site visits to Sports and Recreation Facilities in Adelaide and the Barossa.
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Design Engagement - Stage 1
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Invitation Stage 2 Funding Application
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Intermediate Design and Financials
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Community Information Sessions
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Community Survey
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Submission for Funds
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Confirmation of Funding
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage$15million Federal Government$10million State Government -
Detailed Design
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Select Tender Process
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stageSee you at ____?
Do you have an idea for the name of the new facility? -
Review of Facility Name Submissions
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stageReview and shortlisting of facility name submissions in preparation for community vote.
Handover of Site
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Naming of Facility
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stageWulanda Recreation and Convention Centre was chosen following a community vote on three shortlisted names from the total of 162 name suggestions provided by the community.
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre has finished this stage -
Facility Open
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre is currently at this stage
Important Documents
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fees and Charges 2022/2023 (496 KB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Updated Fact Sheets - 2022
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 1 - Overall Aug 2022.pdf (1.11 MB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 2 - Aquatic Facilities - August 2022.pdf (1.33 MB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 3 - Court Facilities - August 2022.pdf (2.49 MB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 4 - Entertainment Facilities -August 2022.pdf (1.53 MB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 5 - Community Facilities - August 2022.pdf (1.27 MB) (pdf)
Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre - Fact Sheet 6 - Compliance - August 2022.pdf (1.56 MB) (pdf)
Detailed Design - 2019
Click here to play video Lisa Thomas | Community Reference Group Community Reference Group member Lisa Thomas shares with us why she decided to join the group to inform the design process of the proposed Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre.
Click here to play video Louise Adams and Andy Allison | Music and Culture Think Tank The proposed Mount Gambier Regional Sport and Recreation Centre is not just for sport. In the clip below, Louise Adams and Andy Allison talk about how local musos and those involved in the arts could potentially use the space.
Who's listening
Phone 8721 2555 Email bcernovskis@mountgambier.sa.gov.au